29th May 2023

Royal Bank of Scotland, Business Builder Events
Caithness Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Royal Bank of Scotland are presenting a series of online and in-person business builder events designed to support and challenge entrepreneurs to develop the right foundations for their business.
We will be joined by Màiri Macdonald, Local Enterprise Manager, Royal Bank of Scotland who will host these these tailored events design to meet specific business needs, offering attendees an opportunity to upskill in the company of other like-minded business owners, share experiences, and work through individual and group exercises to implement the learning into their own business.
These 60-minute events will take place on monthly basis and attendees are free to select which courses are best suited to their needs. The sessions are free to attend for all Caithness Chamber of Commerce and Business Support Members.

Building a Resilient Business Model
Online, Wednesday, 23.08.23
In this session we will examine the 9 key areas of a business model and talk through the best practices for your business.
Bookings via eventbrite – Register Here

Unlock the Power of Mindset – Part of Highland Business Week 2023
In Person, Monday 21.09.23, Time and Location TBC
Whether we realise or not, our mindset shapes everything we think and do, including our business. This event will take place in person as part of Highland Business Week
Bookings via eventbrite: Register Here

Craft the Ultimate 60 Second Pitch
Online, Wednesday 25.10.23, 10-11am
If you haven’t got a clear pitch, you could be missing out on opportunities to grow your business.
Bookings via eventbrite: Register Here

Setting Goals to Keep Growing
Online, Wednesday 22.11.23, 10-11am
Having a plan in place is critical to keeping your business moving forward. In this session we’ll look at creating a long-term vision for your business.
Bookings via eventbrite: Register Here

Understanding Your Customer
Online, Wednesday 13.12.23, 10-11am
Understanding your customers is vital to your business being able to operate as efficiently and profitably as possible.
Bookings via eventbrite: Register Here

Mairi Macdonald, Local Enterprise Manager, Royal Bank of Scotland
Covering the North of Scotland and based in Inverness, Màiri supports start-up businesses to get their ideas off the ground, with practical day-to-day support around planning and growth as well as hosting events locally. A graduate of the University of Glasgow, Màiri is a native Gaelic speaker and is passionate about helping the often economically fragile communities of the Highlands and Islands to achieve their full potential. Mairi is also past president of Highland Business Women and has a keen interest in supporting female founders.
Financial Health Check
Whatever your goals and plans for your business, RBS are here to help you. Their business Financial Health Check has been designed to help you gain a better sense of your financial goals, plans and needs.
Would you like to find out more about this free and confidential service for your business? Màiri is offering a the opportunity for participants to follow up with a one-to-one session as part of this event series, for further information contact fiona@caithnesschamber.com
If you have questions or need any further information about any of our events, please just get in touch by emailing comms@caithnesschamber.com