26th September 2024

Architects HRI Munro are celebrating their first 5 years trading in Caithness. HRI opened an office in Thurso, based in the Naver business centre, in August 2019.
The Inverness based firm have projects across the County and on Orkney. The Thurso office, run by Associate Alan Gray assisted by Technologist Ruth Gunn, has been key to an expanding workload.

Alan and Ruth in Thurso office
“The Thurso office has gone from strength to strength since it opened in 2019” said Alan, “and we are now involved in a wide range of projects in Wick, Thurso and along the north coast together with a number of jobs on Orkney. HRI Munro are also appointed as framework Architects to Orkney Islands Council and we service a significant percentage of that workload from Thurso”.
HRI Munro’s work in Caithness has included the operation and maintenance base for the Beatrice Offshore Windfarm at Pulteneytown in Wick, residential projects along the north coast, onshore facilities for MeyGen at Canisbay and current early stage involvement in future offshore windfarms in the north.

Meygen Canisbay
HRI Munro Director Vicky Hazell is similarly optimistic about future growth in the firms work in Caithness and Sutherland. “We opened the Thurso office in 2019 as we were convinced that Caithness and Sutherland have a bright future both in terms of renewable development, tourism and hospitality and consequential residential and visitor facilities”. The steady growth of the Thurso office, evidenced by their recent move to a larger unit within the Naver business centre, bears this out. “We are happy that our Thurso office is now well consolidated and growing” said Vicky “and we continue to be optimistic for business development over the next several years”.