7th June 2024, 15:00 to 17:00 @ Online
As part of a strategic service review, SFRS is looking to capture views and priorities of stakeholders – including from members of the public and local community groups – on its approach going forward and finding out what matters most to them.
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) has launched a public engagement initiative called “Shaping Our Future Service: Your Say”. The Service is looking to capture views and priorities of members of the public and local community groups on its approach going forward and finding out what matters most to them.
There will be public engagement events, led by uniformed officers in fire stations across Scotland. This includes a session at Thurso Community Fire Station, Millbank Road on Friday 7 June from 3pm – 5pm.
Come along and tell the Fire and Rescue Service what you think its future priorities should be.
Following a short discussion there will be a chance to chat with the crew and have a guided behind-the-scenes tour of the station, with a demonstration of fire appliances and specialist fire equipment. The session is 100% free to attend, of course, and light refreshments (tea, coffee, biscuits, soft drinks) will be provided.